People Search in Germany

Uslar , Kuhtor
Searching for an old friend? Lost a customer’s address? Has a debtor disappeared? Or... anyway... you’re looking for somebody... Leave it to us!

Who are you looking for (in Uslar) has a success rate of over 98%! No matter if the person disappeared a month or ten years ago, or has since then changed his name or deceased.

Person search (Back)

Last known address

The last known address of the person

Fee & Services

For database searches and investigations
Only applies if we can find a new address, otherwise refunded
For addresses older than 10 years, we recommend an additional registration office archive search.
In this case, there will be manually researched in old registration office archives. This can take additional time but is often the best option to find persons whose last known address is old.

Your contact

Pay 59,60 via has a success rate of over 98%! No matter if the person disappeared a month or ten years ago, or has since then changed his name or deceased.
Einwohnermeldeamt Uslar
Find Person Germany Uslar

Bundesland Niedersachsen
Landkreis Northeim
Einwohner 14.062 (31. Dez. 2021)[1]
Postleitzahl 37170
Vorwahlen 05571, 05573, 05506, 05574
Adresse der Stadtverwaltung Graftstr. 7, 37170 Uslar
Ortsteile Donnershagen, Eschershausen, Knobben, Lindenhof, Meinte, Reitliehausen, Vahle, AnbauvordemHennekenberge, Donnershagen, Eschershausen, Knobben, Lindenhof, Meinte, Reitliehausen, SollingerOberhütte, SollingerUnterhütte, Vahle
Enrico, • 1